Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program
Proposition 1
The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 (Proposition 1) was approved by voters in November 2014. Proposition 1 provides funding to implement the three objectives of the California Water Action Plan: more reliable water supplies, restoration of important species and habitat, and a more resilient and sustainably managed water infrastructure. The Conservancy’s Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program intends to focus on the restoration of important species and habitat.
The Delta Conservancy has awarded the fifth cycle of Proposition 1 grants. To date the program has committed $42 million for 34 grants, benefiting more than 11,350 acres of habitat in the Delta.
Background Information
In Proposition 1, $50 million is identified for the Conservancy “for competitive grants for multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects in accordance with statewide priorities” (California Water Code Sections 79730 and 79731). Per Proposition 1 and the Conservancy’s enabling legislation (Public Resources Code Sections 32300 to 32381), emphasis will be placed on projects using public lands and those that “maximize voluntary landowner participation in projects that provide measurable and long-lasting habitat or species improvements in the Delta” (California Water Code Section 79710).
All proposed projects must be aligned with statewide priorities as identified in Proposition 1, the California Water Action Plan, the Conservancy’s governing statute, the Delta Plan, and the Conservancy’s Strategic Plan.
Programmatic Priorities
- Ecosystem Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement
- Water Quality
- Water-Related Agricultural Sustainability
Eligible Applicants
- California public agencies
- Nonprofit organizations
- Tribal organizations
- Public utilities
- Mutual water companies, including local and regional companies
Proposals for implementation projects must adhere to the State General Obligation Bond Law, which requires that capital outlay projects be maintained for a minimum of 15 years (section 16727(a)): “Proceeds from the sale of any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be used only for the following purposes: (a) The costs of construction or acquisition of capital assets. ‘Capital assets’ mean tangible physical property with an expected useful life of 15 years or more.”
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