Ecological Restoration and Climate Adaptation
The Legislature directed that the Conservancy act as a primary state agency to implement ecosystem restoration in the Delta, in collaboration and cooperation with local governments and interested parties. The Conservancy participates in restoration to the extent that projects are consistent with its mission, policies, authorities, and funding available.
In addition, the Conservancy works to adapt landscapes to be resilient to climate change. The Conservancy believes the Delta region’s economic and environmental health are linked to the area’s vulnerability to potential climate change impacts, such as increased flooding or severity of drought.
The Conservancy’s ecosystem restoration activities must be consistent with the Delta Plan, the Delta Protection Commission’s Land Use and Resource Management Plan for the Primary Zone of the Delta, the 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan, the 2011 Habitat Management, Preservation and Restoration Plan for the Suisun Marsh, and the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act of 1977. In addition, the Conservancy will strive for consistency with the local habitat conservation plans and natural community conservation plans currently underway and planned in Delta counties.
The Conservancy follows the below principles and legislative requirements when engaging in restoration activities:
- Work in collaboration and cooperation with local, state, and federal agencies, non-public organizations, and interested parties
- Shall not exercise the power of eminent domain
- Use conservation easements to accomplish ecosystem restoration whenever feasible
The Conservancy’s efforts related to ecological restoration and climate adaptation include:
- Climate, Access, and Resource Funding
- Nature Based Solutions: Wetland Restoration Funding
- Delta Interagency Invasive Species Coordination Team
- Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Grant Program (Proposition 1)
- Planning Efforts Related to Ecosystem Restoration
- Delta Carbon Program
- EcoAtlas – Map of ecosystem restoration projects in the Delta (external link)