Proposition 1 Cycle 5 Awarded Grants
2204 – Little Franks Tract Invasive Weed Removal and Restoration Project
Grantee: Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
Amount: $427,706
Coordinates: 38.04949417, -121.64399714
The Little Franks Tract Invasive Weed Removal Project will test and identify workable solutions to remove invasive weeds, improve habitat value, and prevent further spread of invasive weeds in the Franks Tract State Recreation Area and nearby restoration sites. Little Franks Tract is a smaller part of the Franks Tract State Recreation Area, located on the northwest side of the Recreation Area between Bradford Island, the Webb Tract, and Bethel Island.
2207 – Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvement Project, Phase Two
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Amount: $887,516
Coordinates: 38.546895, -121.609217
The Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvement Project, Phase Two, is the final phase of a broader project that will construct hydrological improvements in the Yolo Bypass. The efforts will restore 220 acres of managed seasonal wetland, improve water management to enhance 1,803 acres of existing managed seasonal wetlands, and enhance 140 acres of semi-permanent wetland and 1,180 acres of wildlife-friendly agriculture.
2208 – Ulatis Creek Habitat Restoration Project
Grantee: Solano Resource Conservation District
Amount: $413,586
Coordinates: 38.292672, -121.767268
The proposed Ulatis Creek Habitat Restoration Project will result in the installation of 20 acres of riparian woodland habitat along the north bank of Ulatis Creek in Solano County. A total of 1,880 native trees/shrubs and 25,000 forb/sedge plugs will be planted, 100 pounds of wildflowers will be seeded, and invasive plants (including Arundo donax) will be controlled throughout the project site.
2209 – Improving Hydrological Resiliency of Managed Wetlands in Suisun Marsh
Grantee: Suisun Resource Conservation District
Amount: $542,546
Coordinates: 38.124469, -121.99582
The Improving Hydrological Resiliency of Managed Wetlands in Suisun Marsh (Project) will improve habitat conditions in Suisun Marsh for fish, wildlife, and plants and improve water quality by installing new hydrological infrastructure at four project sites that will directly benefit 3,090 acres of managed wetlands. The four sites were identified from a previous Delta Conservancy funded project titled, “Suisun Marsh Improvement Assessment” that used hydrologic models to prioritize areas in Suisun Marsh that could benefit from habitat improvements.
2211 – Marsh Creek Reservoir Restoration and Total Mercury Reduction Planning Project
Grantee: Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Amount: $550,000
Coordinates: 37.881602, -121.729611
The Marsh Creek Reservoir Restoration and Total Mercury Reduction Planning Project will prepare plans to restore reservoir capacity and ecosystem functions, improve reservoir values and habitat resiliency to climate change, and reduce mercury output to downstream Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta habitats. Additionally, this project will be in conjunction with existing planning efforts by East Bay Regional Park District and California State Parks to improve aesthetic value and recreation opportunities.
2212 – Van Buskirk Multi-Benefit Ecosystem Restoration Planning Project
Grantee: American Rivers
Amount: $467,848
Coordinates: 37.920339, -121.309351
The Van Buskirk Multi-Benefit Ecosystem and Restoration Planning Project will result in a multi-benefit ecosystem restoration project on the former 192-acre Van Buskirk golf course located along the San Joaquin River in Stockton. In partnership with the City of Stockton and the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA), the proposed project will conduct agency coordination and community engagement; prepare conceptual restoration design plans; integrate nature-based design solutions and multi-benefit flood protection into planning; and seek implementation funding with project partners.