Proposition 1 Cycle 1 Awarded Grants
Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvement Project
Status: Completed
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited
Amount: $2,026,814
County: Yolo
Coordinates: 38.5421981811523, -121.623001098633
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: This project will provide new and enhanced habitat for migrating waterfowl and other species, improve agricultural sustainability and wildlife-friendly agricultural practices, and increase public access opportunities through the construction of drainage and water infrastructure improvements in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area. The project is the top priority in the 2014 Yolo Bypass Drainage and Water Infrastructure Improvement Study, developed collaboratively with local agencies, farmers, wetlands managers, and other stakeholders. The project will create 220 acres of new wetlands and improve water management on 1,250 acres of existing wetlands and 540 acres of agricultural land. The project will also increase public access by an average of 7 days per year by reducing localized flooding resulting from insufficient capacity in the existing drainage and water supply system.
Project ID: P1-1503
Fish Friendly Farming Certification Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Status: Completed
Grantee: California Land Stewardship Institute
Amount: $89,450
County: Multiple
Project Type: Planning
Overview: This project successfully developed a Fish Friendly Farming Program for the Delta while establishing best management practices for the major crops grown in the Delta. These practices address water quality, wildlife habitat enhancement, and soil and water conservation. The Fish Friendly Farming Program aims to reduce polluted runoff through collaborative efforts with growers to change cultivation and land management practices.
Project ID: P1-1505
Sherman Island Wetland Restoration Project, Phase III
Status: Completed
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited
Amount: $99,966
County: Sacramento
Coordinates: 38.06000137, -121.7570038
Project Type: Planning
Overview: This planning project developed wetland restoration and enhancement engineering plans, a wetland delineation report, and baseline documents to support future permit applications and environmental compliance efforts. These efforts indicated that when constructed, the planned project will create nearly 1,400 acres of semi-permanent wetland providing habitat, subsidence reversal, and carbon sequestration benefits.
Project ID: P1-1508
Three Creeks Parkway Restoration Project
Status: Completed
Grantee: American Rivers
Amount: $836,409
County: Contra Costa
Coordinates: 37.93709946, -121.7089996
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: This multi-benefit ecosystem restoration project at the confluence of Marsh, Sand, and Deer creeks (Three Creeks) converted a denuded flood control channel into a riparian corridor by restoring native vegetation on 12.5 acres of Marsh Creek and floodplain and riparian habitat along 4,000 linear feet of creek. Re-establishing functional floodplains increases flood protection and contributes to achieving water quality objectives for the Delta. This project is an early step in a larger effort to restore and improve habitat along the entire length of Marsh Creek from Mount Diablo to the Delta.
Project ID: P1-1509
Paradise Cut Conservation and Flood Management Plan
Status: Completed
Grantee: San Joaquin County RCD
Amount: $99,924
County: San Joaquin
Coordinates: 37.74760056, -121.3119965
Project Type: Planning
Overview: This project advanced planning for a new flood bypass that will reduce flood risk, improve habitat and maintain agricultural land along the San Joaquin River south of Paradise Cut. This project was a necessary first step to identify project restoration components, quantify costs and benefits, conduct early-stage feasibility, and initiate community outreach. The project team was also awarded a separate grant by the Conservancy for Phase 2 of the project.
Project ID: P1-1512
Yolo Bypass Corridors for Flood Escape on the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
Status: Completed
Grantee: Yolo Resource Conservation District
Amount: $836,234
County: Yolo
Coordinates: 38.5630989, -121.6360016
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: Five miles of new habitat across two corridors were created at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area to provide cover for wildlife escaping flood events and to enhance year-round habitat for wildlife. Additionally, a publicly accessible demonstration planting was established at the main parking area of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area. This project involved the community and local high school students during stewardship events to provide hands-on restoration experience and educational opportunities.
Project ID: P1-1516
Lower Marsh Creek and Sand Creek Watershed Riparian Restoration Planning
Status: Completed
Grantee: American Rivers
Amount: $73,493
County: Contra Costa
Coordinates: 37.93790054, -121.7070007
Project Type: Planning
Overview: Planning efforts conducted by this project included the development of a programmatic CEQA document for the lower Marsh and Sand Creek watersheds that will facilitate permitting of multi-benefit projects designed to improve water quality, enhance flood protection, restore habitat, increase recreational opportunities, and expand public access along the creeks. Additionally, the project team developed design criteria for integrating new stormwater treatment rules into restoration, as well as guidelines for cities and developers on how to better manage stormwater and creekside restoration.
Project ID: P1-1519