Delta Branding and Marketing

During its strategic planning process, the Delta Conservancy heard from Delta residents and business owners the desire to boost economic growth by building a “Delta brand.” After observing the successful branding efforts of nearby areas like Napa Valley, Calistoga, and Gilroy, the Delta Conservancy collaborated with marketing experts and the community to build off the Delta Protection Commission’s Economic Sustainability Plan (web link), and create a larger Delta vision with related marketing tools.
The Delta branding and marketing project improves the visibility of the Delta, helps the local economy, promotes the Delta’s agricultural significance, and highlights the region as a world-class tourism destination filled with recreational opportunity, human history, cultural richness, and diversity.
To fulfill this mission, a Delta Marketing Task Force was convened as a partnership of Delta businesses, Chambers of Commerce, Visitor Bureaus, and local residents seeking to spread awareness of the many benefits of the Delta. The task force meets regularly to plan and implement marketing strategies.
With the help of a marketing consultant, the Delta Conservancy and Delta Protection Commission met with community members and business owners throughout the Delta to collect ideas for the Delta brand. Three different logos, taglines, and colors were taken to the community for discussion, and from those meetings the final Delta logo was developed and approved by the Commission and Conservancy Boards.
5-Year Delta Marketing Plan
The Delta Marketing Task Force helped produce the Delta Tourism Awareness 5-Year Marketing Plan to guide the community’s marketing efforts. The plan provides local businesses and governments with professionally-developed tools for promotion, and is organized around the following key strategies.
- Create a unified tourist perception of the Delta
- Empower partnership and collaboration with stakeholders
- Bolster off-season visitation creatively
- Add content marketing and crowdfunded content to current efforts
- Improve the guest experience and visitor services
- Share environmental efforts in engaging ways
Each of these strategies is organized by cost and has suggested actions to bolster recreation and tourism in the Delta. The plan also lays out strategies for a promotional campaign, social media, and search engine optimization.
Click here to view the Delta Tourism Awareness 5-Year Marketing Plan (PDF file).
Visit CA Delta Website
The Delta Marketing Task Force helped to develop a new recreation and tourism website for the Delta: (web link). The website highlights the many activities and businesses in the Delta and provides a directory and map to help visitors easily find what they are looking for, from bird-watching spots and boat storage, to restaurants or coffee shops. The website also has an event calendar and stories about Delta life, history, agriculture, and ecology.

Delta Sign Plan
The 5-Year Marketing Plan outlined the need for improved signage in the Delta. With funding from the Delta Stewardship Council (web link), the Delta Conservancy initiated a planning effort to develop the Delta Sign Plan and collaboratively design various signs for the Delta. The Delta Conservancy and Delta Protection Commission (web link) conducted a robust outreach effort of five public meetings and direct outreach to Delta organizations to ensure local input in the Sign Plan efforts.
The Sign Plan focuses on three types of signs: welcome, wayfinding, and interpretive panels. The plan serves as a guide for sign placement in the Delta, outlining suggested locations, designs for consistent look, and steps required for working with the counties and agencies involved.
Click here to find all materials and more information about the Delta Sign Plan (web link).
For more information on our marketing and branding efforts or the Delta Marketing Task Force, please contact Hope Miller at (email link) or (916) 375-2091.