The next Delta Waterway Cleanup event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. as part of Coastal Cleanup Day. We will be co-hosting a cleanup at Sherman Island in coordination with the Rio Vista Windsurfing Association and Sherman Island Kiteboarding Organization (RVWA-SIKO).

July 29, 2024
WEST SACRAMENTO – The Delta Conservancy has released a final report on outcomes of the 2023 Delta Drought Response Pilot Program, an experimental program that was launched in order to test drought-resistant field management practices in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Watershed.

Delta growers participating in the program received financial incentives to carry out a variety of water conservation practices as well as beneficial bird habitat practices on their fields. Specific practices included shifting crops, reducing irrigation, delaying harvest to protect nesting cover for birds, and intentional flooding of croplands for bird habitat. A total of 61 projects, encompassing 18,450 acres, were successfully enrolled in 2023.

July 24, 2024
WEST SACRAMENTO – The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Board on Wednesday elected a new chair and approved $950,000 to support the preconstruction planning activities of a historical maritime museum in Stockton that will showcase a restored vessel previously used by the U.S. Navy.

Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume was elected the Conservancy’s Board chair for 2024-2025 and will replace outgoing Chair Solano County Supervisor Mitch Mashburn. Board Member Leo Winternitz will continue to serve as the Conservancy Board’s vice chair.

“On behalf of the Delta Conservancy, I want to welcome Sacramento County Supervisor Pat Hume as our new Board chair. We look forward to the continued progress and positive impact he will bring to the Delta,” said Delta Conservancy Executive Officer Campbell Ingram. “Additionally, I want to express our gratitude to Solano County Supervisor Mitch Mashburn for his dedicated service and contributions to the Board.”

Delta Conservancy Board Meetings

The next Conservancy Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Meeting location to be announced.

The meeting agenda will be available after October 9 and the associated documents will be available after October 16.

Board Meeting Recordings

Recordings of past Board meetings are available on our YouTube channel.

Delta Conservancy Projects

Click here to view all Delta Conservancy projects.

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