Climate, Access, and Resource Funding Awarded Grants

Pacific Flyway Center: Walk in the Marsh

Status: Active
Grantee: Pacific Flyway Fund
Amount: $1,936,050
County: Solano
Coordinates: 38.17164, -122.1267
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: The Pacific Flyway Center: Walk in the Marsh Project will build three miles of Americans with Disability Act-compliant hiking trails, boardwalks, and educational signage through restored wetlands in Suisun Marsh, along with a parking area, access road upgrades, a shade structure, decorative asphalt art, and a bike rack.
Project ID: CAR01

Bees Lakes Public Access

Status: Active
Grantee: City of West Sacramento
Amount: $2,373,800
County: Yolo
Coordinates: 38.535686, -121.52619
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: The Bees Lakes Habitat Restoration and Public Access Project will enhance ecosystem function to the disturbed area, as well as build 1,395 feet of new trail and a 700-square-foot viewing platform, creating safe and ADA-compliant access to a mature, riparian forest within the City of West Sacramento.
Project ID: CAR02

Big Break Regional Shoreline Restoration and Public Access

Status: Active
Grantee: East Bay Regional Park District
Amount: $390,000
County: Contra Costa
Coordinates: 38.10601545, -121.5343968
Project Type: Planning
Overview: The Big Break Regional Shoreline Restoration and Public Access Planning Project will develop a sea level rise adaptation plan and a vegetation management plan to support the long-term sustainability of 1,648 acres of open water, wetlands, and upland habitat.
Project ID: CAR03

Delta Aquatic Center of Stockton

Status: Active
Grantee: San Joaquin Community Foundation
Amount: $2,544,725
County: San Joaquin
Coordinates: 37.969152233752666, -121.35405705130994
Type: Planning
Overview: This grant will fund the preconstruction planning activities for construction of the Delta Aquatic Center of Stockton. This work includes engaging a firm to conduct architectural planning, develop a site master plan and secure the necessary permits, identify construction costs, and create the final construction bid packet.
Project ID: CAR05

Central Harbor Park and Boat Launch Facility Upgrade

Status: Active
Grantee: City of Pittsburg
Amount: $3,544,395
County: Contra Costa
Coordinates: 38.037949, -121.884529
Project Type: Implementation
Overview: This project will fund the construction of improvements to the Central Harbor Park and Boat Launch Facility. Project goals are to increase community access to the waterfront and Delta; provide economic and tourism benefits in the Delta; and provide environmental, historical, and sustainable Delta education.
Project ID: CAR06