Climate, Access, and Resource Funding

The Budget Acts of 2021 and 2022 provided the Delta Conservancy with a one-time general fund allocation of $5,250,000 and $6,125,000 for projects that support climate resilience, community access, and natural resource protection activities that benefit the Delta (collectively known as Climate, Access, and Resource (CAR) funding).

The goals of the Climate, Access, and Restoration Program (Program) are to fund multi-benefit projects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh that promote community access to parks, open space, nature or cultural amenities; support climate resiliency to drought, floods, or extreme climatic events; protect food and water security; protect and conserve natural resources; and support biodiversity. Projects funded through the CAR program should also aim to increase equity, improve public heath, and create economic opportunity.

Example projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Community access (e.g., parks, open space, nature, cultural amenities, museums, historical or cultural sites, recreation and tourism, and environmental education)
  • Climate resilience
  • Natural resource protection
Aerial view of a speedboat traversing the waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Photo taken May 26, 2004. Paul Hames / California Department of Water Resources

Interested applicants should review the Delta Conservancy’s General Grant Guidelines and contact Conservancy staff at for more information. The application process includes submission of a concept proposal. Delta Conservancy staff will then review the concept proposal and if the project meets the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, may invite the applicant to submit a full proposal package.

View the Concept Proposal Template.