Community and Economic Enhancement (Proposition 68) Grant Program
Frequently Asked Questions

Priorities and Eligibility

How were the three categories for funding priorities (Recreation and Tourism, Historic and Cultural Preservation, and Environmental Education) determined?

The categories are based on the Conservancy’s governing statutes, Proposition 68 bond language, the California Department of Parks and Recreation’s Recreation Proposal for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh, and Community Action Plans developed by the Delta Protection Commission in collaboration with Delta Legacy Communities.

The funding priorities fit within the Conservancy’s mandate of supporting the economic viability of the Delta and increasing environmental education, while maintaining the intent of the bond to increase public access to outdoor recreational opportunities.

Will the Conservancy consider projects that do not fit into one of the three funding priorities?

The Conservancy may consider projects that do not directly address one of the priorities, but that provide significant benefit to the Delta and are aligned with other requirements as outlined in the Grant Guidelines

Is there an end date (sunset) on funding availability?


What is a non-competitive grant?

Proposals are not evaluated against one another. This grant program allows the Conservancy to partner with project proponents to develop strong community-based projects that benefit Delta communities. Specific criteria (see Proposal Assessment in the Grant Guidelines) need to be met for staff to consider recommending to the Conservancy Board that a proposal be funded.

Proposal Development

What should I do if I am not sure if my project is eligible? How do I know if my project is eligible for this funding opportunity?

If you have reviewed the Grant Guidelines and these Frequently Asked Questions and are still uncertain about eligibility, please contact the Conservancy’s Proposition 68 team at

My organization is not based in the legal Delta, but we are interested in working on a project in the Delta. Are we eligible for this funding opportunity?

Organizations based outside the Delta boundaries are welcome to apply for funding. However, the project must benefit the Delta and have local support. The Conservancy urges organizations based outside of the Delta to partner with local stakeholders and demonstrate community support.

What are the legal boundaries of the Delta or Suisun Marsh?

Click here to view information regarding the legal boundary of the Delta.

What is a capital asset?

State General Obligation Bond Law defines capital assets as “tangible physical property with an expected useful life of 15 years or more” (Gov. Code, § 16727(a)). Examples of capital assets that may be funded by this grant program are in the Grant Guidelines.  

Without a minimum and maximum award amount, do you have an anticipated range for funding each project?

No. The Conservancy will assess proposals as described in the Grant Guidelines and will consider funding on a case-by-case basis. The Conservancy may prioritize projects based on factors such as, but not limited to, the geographic distribution of projects, project benefits related to disadvantaged and Severely Disadvantaged Communities, reasonableness of costs, available funding, and diversity of project types.

What is a Severely Disadvantaged Community (SDAC) and how do I determine if a community is an SDAC?

A Severely Disadvantaged Community is a community with a median household income less than 60 percent of the statewide average. The Community Fact Finder tool can be used to determine if a community can be defined as an SDAC. Other sources of valid, high-quality data may be used. Delta Conservancy staff may be available for technical assistance on this issue. Additional details on defining SDACs and how the Conservancy prioritizes them for funding can be found in the Grant Guidelines.

How is local support demonstrated?

The Conservancy will assess demonstration of local support on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, the Conservancy will request written documentation.

A majority of the community is in support of the project, but there are a few local groups that have expressed concern. Is support from a majority of the community enough to qualify as “having local support?”

The Conservancy will not fund projects that do not have local support. The Conservancy may be able to help the applicant understand how community concerns might be addressed.

Is cost share required and how will that impact my application?

Cost share is encouraged but not required and is a factor in the prioritization of projects. Grantees must provide documentation of any stated cost share before a project can be recommended to the Board for consideration.  

How do you determine the value of in-kind contributions?

Fair market value is used to determine the value of in-kind contributions.

At what point is a commitment letter required to demonstrate in-kind contributions or other cost share commitments?

All documentation is required before a project can be recommended to the Board for consideration.  

What are the requirements for a cost share commitment letter?

Applicants stating that they have a cost share component must include commitment letters from cost share partners at the time the full proposal is submitted. These letters must specifically confirm the dollar amount committed and the purpose for which the funding is being provided.

What is the timeline for the application process?

Proposals are accepted at any time.

How is project readiness determined?

The following questions are posed when assessing project readiness: For planning projects, how well does the proposal demonstrate how the proposed planning activities will advance the project toward implementation in a timely manner? Is the proposed project beyond the feasibility stage? How will previous and subsequent phases ensure that environmental compliance and all data gaps are addressed? When will the related implementation project be ready to start?

For implementation projects, how complete is project planning including the status of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and permitting efforts? When will the project be ready to begin implementation? If applicable, what is the status of land tenure?

Please explain requirements for working with the California Conservation Corps.

Applicants must consult with the California Conservation Corps in developing their grant proposal. Using the Corps’ services is not required, but priority will be given to projects that do.

Project Implementation

What is the timeline for reporting?

Grantees must submit quarterly progress reports using the template that will be posted on the Conservancy’s website. Grant funds will be disbursed only if reporting requirements are met. See the Grant Guidelines for additional information regarding performance monitoring and reporting requirements.

What is the timeline for submitting invoices?

Grantees must submit invoices quarterly. Additional details regarding this process will be provided in the grant agreement.

If a grantee is only funding part of a project with the Proposition 68 funds, is the whole project required to adhere to prevailing wage? Does prevailing wage apply to volunteers?

Prevailing wage laws and regulations are outlined on the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) website. Applicants are responsible for determining applicability of prevailing wage law and ensuring that compliance is met.